
Opal Identification Sheets

Opal's website has some excellent activities and identification sheets. Have a look for the ID sheets on the bugs count survey - here and the soil and earthworm survey - here

Sheppard Software

Food chains, habitats, carnivores, herbivores etc, nocturnal animals, classification and more. Lovely interactive online games from Sheppard Software here

...and lifecycles Here

... and food chains Here

MRS NERG and the seven characteristics of life

This is a great Prezi by Sisi Chen. Here

The Oxford University Museum website is useful too. Here

Design your own adaptation 'teller' - one of those folding question things...or use the lovely one from Marwell Zoo.



A prezi presentation of a simplified biological classification.


The fantastic Ask-a-biologist website Here

Snail Trail by Ruth Brown is a great story for exploring a snail's habitat.

Buy the book here

Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis

An absolutely brilliant life cycle story with a twist.

Still my favourite science book!

You should buy the book here

An adaptation song to learn and sing.

The Kids National Geographic website has a well organised and simple animals section. Here

There are some great science questions (with answers) here

There's a great web page here with information about the wildlife of the Middle East. Many thanks to Olivia Ingram and her Critter Club. Click here

The DK Find Out Website has a great section for animal research. Here


An excellent guide to the classification of vertebrates from the BBC.

Click here.

Frog Lifecycle Cartoon

A spectacular introduction to a discussion about MRS NERG and the characteristics of life

Peter Weatherall's song about the life processes of animals

Downloadable Resources